
Praise and Prayer Needs

Pray for peace in Afghanistan.

Pray that our programs can be aired without interference or disruption.

Pray for the physical safety of believers living in unsafe and tense environments.

Pray that listeners would have the courage to share the program with friends and family.

Listener Testimonials

In many parts of the world illiteracy, lack of access to forms of communication, exorbitant postage costs, or even cultures hostile to Christianity prevent listeners from contacting us. In those cases we receive little to no direct feedback from listeners. Please pray especially for the production and outreach teams working on these languages, as it can be very discouraging to not receive communication in response to your hard work. Pray that God would grant them assurance in their hearts that their work for Him is not in vain. Pray also for the listeners, that they would be ministered to by the Holy Spirit in a life-changing way despite not being able to connect with us personally.

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  • Producer: Name and photo withheld for security reasons
  • Launched: 2002
  • Target Area: Afghanistan, Western Pakistan
  • Mediums: SW radio, Internet
  • Related Links: TWR-Asia

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