Praise and Prayer Needs for Northeast Asia
In order to assure the security of our team and not jeopardize opportunities to minister to people in the Mongolian language, we have temporarily removed content related to this production. Please continue to pray--God is at work!
Please pray that North and South Koreans will receive the one and only true peace available to any of us: That which is found through faith in Jesus Christ.
Remember in your prayers our Korean brethren who find comfort, strength, and hope in learning about God’s Word. May its truths be written on their hearts!
Pray for our ministry to China. There are some exciting new ministry strategies that we are exploring to more effectively reach the world’s most populous country.
Pray for the safety of our listeners, some of whom suffer persecution for their faith. Ask God to use the TTB-Mandarin programs to provide spiritual strength and security in their hearts as they face many obstacles to their faith.